This particular tree is marked as a monumental tree and is called Vejvoda's linden (at a point 130 centimeters above the ground, the trunk perimeter is 12.5 meters), situated in bPastviny/b, not far from Ústí nad Orlicí. On the other hand, the Klokočovská ... There are many ways of visiting these places. A popular way is to follow marked biking trails, to go for a trip with a particular target location, to spend a bvacation/b in the great outdoors or to enjoy agro-tourism. ...
30 tis km ctverecnich tvori louky a pastviny, jezera a lesy (do urcitych casti, ktere jsou ... vjezd do Biltmore Estate ... vanocni stromecek i ve skleniku dnes zalesnene byly stromy prevezeny a presazeny z jinych lokalit v zemi!). ...
Cesta byla diky slunci prijemna, delali jsme fotici zastavky a nektery fotky vypadaji jako fotomontaze :-) .... zelene pastviny a nad tim zasnezene vrcholky skotskych hor zalite sluncem. V Obanu.